Elder White in Peten

Monday, April 25, 2011

Elder Whites LAST NIGHT!!!

April 25, 2011

Week 9

WOOOOOOO!! I get out of here tomorrow. I am so excited. I leave the MTC at 8 in the morning here, which is 9 in Texas. I am so excited to finally get out there and do real work. I think I will be staying at the mission home tomorrow night then Wednesday go out to the field.

I am so excited. I really feel prepared to go out and preach the gospel. My Spanish has come along so well, I feel really good about it and feel that I am prepared. I am sure once I get out there I will be super overwhelmed, but man I am ready to just work my butt off. Ready to get lost in the work and to help people be as happy as me. I can´t wait to help people change their lives and come unto Christ.

This past week was Holy Week in Guatemala, the whole country pretty much shut down. It is so cool how spiritual the people in Guatemala are, I have no doubts that the people will be extremely willing to hear the gospel. I am so thankful for the plan of salvation and the perspective it offers.

This Easter Sunday was really good, I am so glad that we know of the real sacrifice that Jesus did for us. I am so grateful for the atonement and the wonderful comfort it brings.

I have heard that in the field my PDays will be on Mondays but I don’t know for sure. I am so glad that I have the opportunity to serve the Lord; it is such an amazing blessing. In the past week I have really learned about the importance of members in the conversion of investigadors. I encourage each one of you to participate in ward missionary opportunities. I encourage each one of you to fellowship with investigadors and new converts. What they need is a friend. I can’t wait to work with ward members and have a support system for my investigadors. I dream of the wonderful day that I will have my first baptism from contact to baptism. I can’t wait to boast of my God like Ammon and the sons of Mosiah. This is a marvelous work that is going forth, the missionaries here are so strong. This is such an amazing work and such an amazing blessing. I am so excited to get out there and teach and help people. Just work, right now all I want to do is work. I can’t wait to go out there and give it my all with my trainer. I am so excited and know that I am in Guatemala for a reason.

I don’t know when the next time I will be able to email will be but I am so glad that I have the support I do. Thank you so much for everything you all do. All mail should be directed to the North Mission address now, it is in the last email I sent out. All dearelders should also be addressed to the North Mission. I love you all so much and thank you for everything,


Elder White