Elder White in Peten

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


April 5, 2011

Week 6


Man this last week flew by. Conference was the most awesome thing ever, I hope everyone watched it. It was the first time I watched all 5 sessions and stayed awake the whole time. I was praying so hard to have the Spirit and to recieve teaching relevant to me. It was so awesome, I am so grateful that my prayers were answered and I got to have personal revelation.

I noticed that I need to have more Quiet Diligence, be more like an apostle of the Lord. I really liked Elder Uchtorf´s talk in Priesthood, where he said that we need to preach the gospel by example. Another quote from there was "Preach the gospel, if necessary use words." How true is that, we need to show what sets us apart, we are lights unto the world. Should we hold our light under a bushel, or let it shine unto the world? We need to be examples of Christians in our everyday interactions.

Another thing I really noticed was about temples. I made the connection that the work I am doing is bringing unto this church so that they may one day receive their endowments. After that they can further the work for the deceased in preparation for the 2nd coming.

I love being a missionary, and I haven´t even taught real people yet. I love my calling and I know that it is the Lord´s work and I was called to Guatemala for a purpose. I love it so much. I encourage all of you to go through every conference talk, I know that as you do you will be blessed and you will have a greater Spirit.

I am on such a spiritual high right now, and I am determined to live worthy enough to mantain that Spiritual high every day. I have started praying a lot more, I am definitely changing so much right now. I am so thankful to the Lord for allowing me to change. I am definitely striving to have a greater testimony and spirit.

I forgot the scripture off the top of my head but it is in i think 2 Nephi 30 maybe. One of those later ones, but anyway it talks about praying to God in all our doings so that he may Consecrate our activity. How awesome is that? We can do anything with his consecration, all we need to do is be doing something righteous, and pray sincerely. I love the many blessings we receive.

Another thing I though about during Conference was regarding pains and trials/challenges. No matter how tough things get I promise you He will never forsake us. We only go through trials because He knows we have room to grow. Also it gives us a better appreciation for the Atonement. Remember, he suffered for all, everything we feel. He knows what we are going through, He will not forsake us. Challenges are for us! They help us appreciate the Atonement and grow as people, and our testimonies grow. How awesome are challenges!

I love this work, and it is work. I love that quote, heard it in Priesthood session, don’t remember who off the top of my head.

This Wednseday I will be getting a Latino comp full time and be in a Latino district. The MTC President gave me the opportunity and I gladly accepted. I am so excited to be fully immersed in Spanish. I will learn so much, and be so ready to teach as soon as I get out of here. I will be extremely fluent, if I work. I know this.

We got to go to the Mercado hoy and do some shopping. I got a soccer jersey of Guatemala so I can fit in. We then went to a mall and also museum. That was super awesome, had Chili’s (man American food is good). The museum there was awesome, a bunch of the history of Guatemala City. It was really awesome, I guess a bunch of people think that the Land of Nephi and city of Nephi were here in Guatemala city so that is awesome. I love Guatemala so much!!!

Only 3 more weeks before I can get out there! I am so excited. My P-Days will still be on Wed. but today just got messed up because of the Mercado. I love you all so much and look forward to hearing from you again. I challenge you all to read the Conference talks, and as you do so ask God to consecrate your activity. I promise that as you do this you will receive a greater appreciation for this gospel and your testimony will be strengthened. I love you all.

Elder David White